"MEET THE AUTHOR" is a short film comedy written and directed by Steve Blackwood ("Days of Our Lives") based on a play by David Susman. Steve stars as the title author, Marvin, who, along with the help of his assistant Marnie (Pamela Jayne Morgan), is on a mission to share his second novel with his adoring New England fans. At one of his book signings, he meets Jennifer (Marty Smith), who may appreciate Marvin more than anyone. It becomes quickly apparent, however, that he may not be ready for her to become the defacto president of his fan club. A Hop Top Films production, "MEET THE AUTHOR" features a wealth of New England talent on both sides of the camera. Watch the trailer here!: https://www.facebook.com/mtashortfilm/videos/542596126167749/
Pamela Jayne Morgan